Finding Hope is an organization dedicated to improving the families' lives in the impoverished rural community of El Porvenir and the surrounding areas of the Atlántida region in northern Honduras.
Women's Trade Classes
In a traditional culture, the women’s role is to stay home, care for the kids, and cook and clean for her family, but we know these women want more. Therefore at Finding Hope, we provide a way to encourage, inspire, and empower one women at a time. Through our trade classes, these women are learning life skills to better their futures.

Families in rural Honduras often lack basic necessities like running water, electricity, and even outhouses.
Children often can't attend school because their families are unable to afford the uniforms and school supplies.
Women, disproportionately held back from finishing school, suffer from lack of employment.
These women, with no employable skills of their own, stay in abusive relationships to ensure they and their children are provided for.

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